
Don't waste your money on corporate education, earn with it!

I will pay experts for their programs and will pay employees for the time they don’t work, they "study". My workers will just wait for the time they can check out. What’s the point of corporate education?
The point is to implement corporate learning not for show. If you think that corporate education is a magic pill, it’s not. It won't make your business grow and become more competitive the next day you pay for it.
Like with any other business tool, you need criteria.

Corporate education checklist
  1. Realistic goals.
  2. Your employees’ motivation.
  3. Method of teaching.

Realistic goals
Do you know what you want to achieve with corporate education?
You probably want your employees to get a new skill, not to hire a new person. It’s cheaper to teach your workers Python than to start an expensive hiring process.
Or, if you want your team to become more productive, it will be easier to teach your manager Scrum than to find a new person and give them time to adapt.

Your employees’ motivation
They have to be aware of your goals to stay motivated and to feel that their results will influence the company's income and then their income as well. But this global motivation is not the only one they need. Each step, each lesson, and each success should be praised. That’s why we use badges and certificates during our training programs.

Method of teaching
Is it a boring seminar? Or a book they have to read and implement? Or is it an interactive quiz or video with brainstorming? You can be extremely motivated, but if the learning process makes you sleepy, it’s a waste of money.
Our primary teaching methods are blended learning and flipped classroom. They help us keep students’ attention. And they help students enjoy the process of learning. 

Don't waste your money on corporate education, earn with it!
Getting a new employee comes at a considerable expense. The bare minimum includes things like onboarding, benefits, and salary. In addition, there are the hours that team members spend interviewing potential hires and the time it takes to train them for their new position.
Employees who are developing and learning in their jobs are less likely to resign. Help them minimize the skills gap, develop leadership skills, feel engaged, and grow.
You will benefit from the reduction in your employee turnover and from your team's productivity.

Contact us for a discovery call to choose the best corporate program for your goals!