More results for less time with AI
Revolutionize the way you create content!
Start whenever you want – Simply click the “Register” button
12 lessons, 60-90 minutes each over a span of 6 weeks,
certificate of completed course and digital badges

Imagine producing high-quality content effortlessly, streamlining your workflows, and gaining valuable insights—all thanks to the power of AI.

The course will teach you:
  • to identify existing solutions powered by Generative AI
  • to create text, image, audio, or video content without any prior technical knowledge
  • to approach advanced AI solutions with confidence, even if they require some technical understanding

Whether you're a novice or have some technical background, our program is designed to meet you where you are. No prior technical knowledge is required.

This course is a perfect match for you if you are:

  • Employee
    Gain the ability to create optimize workflows achieving more in less time, enhance your value to your organization with newfound AI skills. Become the AI-powered innovator your workplace needs!
  • Small Business Owner
    Streamline your business operations with AI, stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape with no technical background Invest in your business's future by enrolling in our course today!
  • Gamified Learning Experience
    Our gamification system awards you with experience points as you complete different sections of the training. Earning these points will get you access to bonus content or discounts on paid courses.
  • The Badge Belt
    As you improve your critical thinking skills, look for the Badge Belt to indicate your progress and reward you for your efforts.

Course Program

More results for less time with AI
45 EUR
Hello, I'm Vladimir, and I'm excited to welcome you to the "More Results for Less Time with AI" course. As someone who has witnessed the transformative power of AI in various industries, I am thrilled to be your guide on this extraordinary journey.

I firmly believe that anyone can become proficient in AI. Whether you're an employee seeking to enhance your skill set or a small business owner looking to stay competitive, we have designed this course with your success in mind.

Together, we will explore the limitless possibilities AI has to offer, and I am confident that you will emerge from this course with the skills and knowledge to thrive in our AI-powered world. Be at the forefront of the AI revolution-enroll today!

Warm regards,
Vladimir Obradović
Tech Coach, IT consultant, Educator

Meet Your Tutor

Harness the incredible capabilities of Generative AI
Supercharge your content creation and business operations with AI.
Join us and unlock the potential of AI to achieve more in less time! is redefining education with unconventional and highly practical approach to knowledge delivery.
Spain, 2018-2022
copyright SentienceLab S.C.