U ovoj sesiji, govornik Vladimir O. obrađuje temu mikromenadžmenta i kako ga eliminisati kako bi se poboljšala produktivnost i moral timova. Ističe se da mikromenadžment vodi gubitku vremena zbog stalnih provera i stvara nedostatak poverenja u timovima. Objasnio je da timovi ne mogu efikasno da se skaliraju sa dodavanjem novih članova ako postoji mikromenadžer, jer on postaje usko grlo koje guši produktivnost.
Za eliminaciju mikromenadžmenta, predlaže jasno definisanje i razumevanje ciljeva svakog člana tima od samog početka, kao i stvaranje atmosfere poverenja. Upravo poverenje omogućava da se fokus prebaci sa proveravanja akcija na ishode i rezultate rada. Tehnologija, poput softvera JIRA, može pomoći u pružanju transparentnosti i omogućiti menadžerima da se ograniče samo na povremeno postavljanje pitanja o ažuriranju statusa projekata.
Govornik naglašava važnost samostalnosti članova tima i preuzimanje odgovornosti za svoj deo posla. Menadžeri bi trebali da imaju poverenja u sposobnosti tima i, po potrebi, rešavati probleme kroz dodatnu obuku i treninge. Kao rezultat eliminisanja mikromenadžmenta, navodi se primer istog projekta gde je zabeleženo smanjenje direktne kontrole i povećanje morala timova.
Zaključak sesije je da dobro organizovani i samostalni timovi, vođeni konceptima agilnog upravljanja i Scrum metode, mogu biti ključni za prevazilaženje problema mikromenadžmenta. Govornik se nada da će saveti iz minikursa pomoći slušaocima da razviju samostalne timove i eliminišu neproduktivan mikromenadžment.
In this session, the speaker Vladimir O. addresses the topic of micromanagement and how to eliminate it to improve team productivity and morale. It is emphasized that micromanagement leads to time wastage due to constant checks and creates a lack of trust within teams. It was explained that teams cannot effectively scale with the addition of new members if there is a micromanager, as they become a bottleneck that stifles productivity.
To eliminate micromanagement, clear definition and understanding of each team member's goals from the outset are proposed, as well as creating an atmosphere of trust. Trust allows the focus to shift from checking actions to outcomes and results. Technology, such as JIRA software, can help provide transparency and enable managers to limit themselves to occasional inquiries about project status updates.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of team members' autonomy and taking responsibility for their part of the work. Managers should trust in the team's abilities and, when necessary, address issues through additional training and coaching. As a result of eliminating micromanagement, a decrease in direct control and an increase in team morale were noted in the same project.
The conclusion of the session is that well-organized and self-reliant teams, guided by agile management concepts and Scrum methods, can be key to overcoming micromanagement issues. The speaker hopes that the advice from the mini-course will help listeners develop self-reliant teams and eliminate unproductive micromanagement.