Start your acquaintance with the profession using our free materials, which are constantly being supplemented.
Our courses
Think like a programmer
(English language only)
We will learn what are the tools and techniques that programmers use to analyze problems and design solutions.
(no registration required)
Video course
How to visualize data with pen and paper like a data scientist
(English language only)
The aim of this course is to inspire you, give some creative tips and show some techniques on how can you draw and visualize your graphs and charts in a more effective and engaging way.
2-weeks learning estimate
Run at your own pace
Articles & Guides
Guide about IT professions
What is better to learn Python or Java? What does a data scientist do and how is it different from programming? Answers on these and many other questions you will find in our free guide.
Useful tools
A tool for learning programming without coding. It uses visual building blocks to implement various algorithms and program flows.
Use this tool for free
Blockly tutorial
A short tutorial on Blockly
Video lesson (no registration required)
An online tool that can draw processes? Organizational charts and many other diagrams in a few clicks
Use this tool for free
JMind Map
An online tool that can draw mind maps.
Use this tool for free
Persona Maker lite
Tool for modeling marketing personas
Free tool no registration required
Do you have difficulties choosing the program?
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WhatsApp is redefining education with unconventional and highly practical approach to knowledge delivery.
Spain, 2018-2022
copyright SentienceLab S.C.